One of your photos on the blog was James Spader (I think in pretty in pink)…

I wondered why and was it something about his character you identify with? If so thank you for validating my attraction to his pervy arrogance

It is indeed Spader, but not as Steff from Pretty In Pink; that’s Graham from Sex, Lies & Videotape, Steven Soderbergh’s first —and best— film. … Read the rest “One of your photos on the blog was James Spader (I think in pretty in pink)…”

Fangirl Stuff (Please Ignore)

A bunch of people have asked me about writing lately, which is odd, considering how little of it I do. And as usual, I’m reluctant to respond, because talking about writing leaves me feeling as if I’m walking a douchebag tightrope akin to Joseph Gordon-Levitt in The Walk… or —let’s face it— Joseph Gordon-Levitt in general.… Read the rest “Fangirl Stuff (Please Ignore)”

hello! are you still active on this blog?

Hello, and yup! I’ve been busy tending to my flock of late, and have thus been even worse than usual at keeping up with correspondence and chit-chat, but I’m here.

I know The Seventeenthening was a disaster for a lot of cool people, but for my purposes, Tumblr hasn’t changed much at all.… Read the rest “hello! are you still active on this blog?”

you want your girls to get bladder infections … that’s not even sadistic or hot lmao i have no words that’s like wishing disease on a person

Yes, absolutely! I want girls to get UTIs!

Because posts referring to “Mr. Bladder Infection” are clearly very serious, and should always be taken completely at face-value. Especially if they’re tagged #mindfuckery, which in no way suggests any sort of underlying agenda or attempt to generate cognitive dissonance.… Read the rest “you want your girls to get bladder infections … that’s not even sadistic or hot lmao i have no words that’s like wishing disease on a person”