While it’s a long shot and not your thing, some of your followers might…

…have ideas; anyone know of any blogs or fiction pieces with a female dom who talks to subs the way you do? All I can find is “lol tiny worm dick”, which doesn’t have half the impact yours does.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

It’s not my thing, but I respect people who are forced by inclination to dominate guys.… Read the rest “While it’s a long shot and not your thing, some of your followers might…”

What would you say your style of dominance is?

And what do you do best in terms of being a Dom?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

My style? Jamie Spears, only more affectionate, less abusive, and comfortable with the care and feeding of a golden goose.

So I’m an invasive, aggressive, greedy conservator of your ass and assets… but one you never want to lose.… Read the rest “What would you say your style of dominance is?”

i’m jealous of all the beautiful girls you reblog and the attention you give…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

i’m jealous of all the beautiful girls you reblog and the attention you give them.

Aw, babydoll… you’re confused! Poor thing. You think you’re jealous, but really, you’re thankful for every pretty girl in the world.

I mean, c’mon… look at yourself.… Read the rest “i’m jealous of all the beautiful girls you reblog and the attention you give…”

Have you ever had a girl faint during sex from being unwell? If so,…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Have you ever had a girl faint during sex from being unwell? If so, what did you do?

Honestly no, that hasn’t happened. I’m the sort of person who takes illness seriously… I’m more likely to baby a sickly girl than fuck her.… Read the rest “Have you ever had a girl faint during sex from being unwell? If so,…”

I tried to find you and couldn’t, started to freak out and then realized…

…I was typing it wrong. Well I’m glad it was just me being stupid and not your blog getting nuked

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I have before beheld such a bubble-brained breakdown of basic recall… I don’t know what the learned diagnosis might be, but I like to think of it as temporary dumbnesia.… Read the rest “I tried to find you and couldn’t, started to freak out and then realized…”

It makes me very sad to read your writings. But I just can’t stop

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

There’s nothing wrong with being very sad sometimes. Lots of beautiful music is played that way, lots of beautiful words are written, and lots of needy little cunts are rubbed furiously until the sad is swallowed up by the desperation and turned into a coldly burning tendril that tickles its way up through their tummies and wraps tightly around their hearts.… Read the rest “It makes me very sad to read your writings. But I just can’t stop”