The Daily Dad
Things you might want to know, for May 25, 2023:
- Comedy superstars perform “Hans & Franz: The Girlyman Dilemma”: The Podcast — I’m going to watch this, because it’s either going to be very funny, or so awful that it amuses me.
Things you might want to know, for May 25, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 24, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 23, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 21, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 20, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 18, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 17, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 16, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 15, 2023:
Things you might want to know, for May 12, 2023: