Is it better to arrive at your door trained and ready to go, or…

Is it better to arrive at your door trained and ready to go, or do you enjoy the process of training a girl?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Those who walk through my door are undergoing a profound psychosexual transformation, and something akin to a religious conversion.… Read the rest “Is it better to arrive at your door trained and ready to go, or…”

are there any things your girls have in common? (besides you, of course!)

are there any things your girls have in common? (besides you, of course!)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Bits and pieces. They almost all lean left politically, but they’re only intermittently political. They’re mostly little old ladies in twentysomething drag… they’re generally befuddled by the latest cultural trends, their grasp of current technology is akin to that of a random grandma, and with the exception of Pinky, they get up before the sun and tend to fall asleep a couple hours after it goes down.… Read the rest “are there any things your girls have in common? (besides you, of course!)”

They always forget the record button.

Y’know, when I’m watching them on their cameras… I’ll have them heaving and groaning and crying, with drool running from every visible orifice, and without mentioning it, I’ll hit “record”. Just like that, their moment of disgusting, red-faced, unfettered desperation is saved for posterity.… Read the rest “”

Would you consider getting all of your girls together some day? Like living or…

Would you consider getting all of your girls together some day? Like living or just being together or is everything separate ?



“Consider”? I’m well past considering it… that’s the goal.

Every cult needs a compound, and every family, a home.

Read the rest “Would you consider getting all of your girls together some day? Like living or…”