Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting…

Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting in every girl’s head so intimately, getting to know every inch of them, can you really keep up with even the ones that catch your eye?



(submitted by: Anonymous)

I used to worry about it all the time!

Read the rest “Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting…”

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?


In terms of an official, mutually recognized relationship?

Dolly was 24 years younger than me. Peanut is 27 years my junior. There have been a few contenders who were 30 years behind me, but that’s a big fucking gap, and requires a lot of extra effort to bridge it successfully.

Read the rest “What was the biggest age difference with a partner?”

Would you consider getting all of your girls together some day? Like living or…

Would you consider getting all of your girls together some day? Like living or just being together or is everything separate ?


“Consider”? I’m well past considering it… that’s the goal.

Every cult needs a compound, and every family, a home.

Read the rest “Would you consider getting all of your girls together some day? Like living or…”