Gone Girl

[SPOILERS for Gone Girl]

Gone Girl was better than I expected, in unexpected ways.

There aren’t enough clear-eyed, female sociopaths in movies or television. We’ve got fuck-tons of crazy bitch characters, certainly, and countless man-eating succubi; in recent years, we even have a growing collection of AARP-eligible she-monsters, out to rip a hole in the world.… Read the rest “Gone Girl”

I watched Into The Woods this weekend, which generated these thoughts:

  1. Johnny Depp leverages his career investments better than any actor on the planet. Aside from the goings-on at The Viper Room, he spent most of the ’90s as a pretty, vulnerable, quasi-sexual weirdo, building up a massive stockpile of quirky good will, which he now uses to infuse his array of murderous barbers, hateful chocolatiers, drunken pirates, bizarre racial stereotypes, and child predators with what would normally be an incongrous hint of harmless whimsy.
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