Any Wednesday (1966)

From my “shit you people have never heard of” list:

Released in 1966, Any Wednesday was already old by the time I saw it as a kid. One of our local TV station managers apparently felt that he needed to squeeze every dime from the licensing fee he paid for the movie, because he ran it in the afternoon, every Saturday for a month.… Read the rest “Any Wednesday (1966)”

It’s the little things that kill…

I’ll never stop loving the fact that something this trivial absolutely fucking terrifies some otherwise badass bitches. The incongruity is delicious.

“Cut me, Daddy! Throw me down a flight of stairs! Punch me in the face, punch a baby into me, and then punch my code into the ATM so we can buy some Plan B and a cold compress!… Read the rest “It’s the little things that kill…”


truth in advertising

I don’t want to be a scold, but someone should point out that your pussy lacks accessibility options. That visual labeling only helps sighted molesters; blind users —-or sighted men who like working by feel— need affordances to ensure they can navigate their way up those long-ass legs to what is, I must admit, a very appealing cunt.… Read the rest “”