Hello Mister B!We once spoke and i revealed myself to Y/you long ago. We…

Hello Mister B!

We once spoke and i revealed myself to Y/you long ago. We spoke for a bit, but life got complicated for me and i ran away, hopefully bettering myself so i could be worthy to show my face again for a second time if that time so ever came.… Read the rest “Hello Mister B!We once spoke and i revealed myself to Y/you long ago. We…”

Last night while my husband fucked me I orgasmed while imagining your voice calling…

Last night while my husband fucked me I orgasmed while imagining your voice calling me a dirty cunt and telling me I don’t deserve to cum

So in the space of a few minutes, you managed to betray him and fail me.… Read the rest “Last night while my husband fucked me I orgasmed while imagining your voice calling…”

hi mr bedtime :)) i hope youre having a great day !!!! i have…

hi mr bedtime :)) i hope youre having a great day !!!! i have a question about like how to control possessiveness in a relationship because its kinda like driving me crazy just how insanely jealous i feel about my boyfriend and i feel like im also hurting him a lot too and idk i kinda wanted to know if youve ever been through a situation like that (even if youre the one feeling jealous or if it was a partner you had that felt that way).… Read the rest “hi mr bedtime :)) i hope youre having a great day !!!! i have…”