“Evolution Revolution Love” — Tricky

Okay, first, how can this song be 18 years old? An entire generation has grown up in that time… way to make me feel old, guys.

Second, I don’t think we really appreciated how much the low resolution and color bleeding of CRT televisions helped make the visual effects of the era effective… the face-changing thing from this video looked a little less goofy when you couldn’t make out the details.

“Not Pretty Enough” – Kasey Chambers

Am I not pretty enough?
Is my heart too broken?
Do I cry too much?
Am I too outspoken?
Don’t I make you laugh?
Should I try it harder?
Why do you see right through me?

I’ve mentioned a couple times that Lana’s discography is the blog’s soundtrack, but if it had an actual theme song, it would be Not Pretty Enough by Kasey Chambers.… Read the rest ““Not Pretty Enough” – Kasey Chambers”

“Furious” – Jade Bird

Did you make up your mind?
When did you decide to let me down?
When was the turning point?
When you put out your joint and you laid her down
She’d take off your tie
With a smile, on knees
I bet she looked pleased with herself
And I’m furious
My whole body shakes
I’m furious
My mind slips away
How could you do this?
Read the rest ““Furious” – Jade Bird”