“At Your Funeral” – Saves The Day

I sing a lot. In the shower. Out of the shower. Pretty much all the time. The response to this behavior has varied; I’ve made strangers fall in love with me while listening to me through a shared wall, and I’ve made people who love me want to scream at me to please shut the fuck up already.… Read the rest ““At Your Funeral” – Saves The Day”

“Hey Mister” — Custom

Someone pointed out to me earlier today that 2002 was sixteen years ago, and most of you were innocent babies back then, so you don’t even know this song exists.

And talk about a fucking artifact from a time-gone-by…! Custom’s “Hey Mister” is peak perv-rock, up there with some of the greats from previous generations.… Read the rest ““Hey Mister” — Custom”

Chris Cornell (1964-2017)

Okay, Universe… now you’re just fucking with me.

My favorite Soundgarden memory is of me and Lady Macbedtime playing Road Rash on the original PlayStation for hours on end, and when we were done, just letting the game sit on the title screen while it looped through a soundtrack containing Outshined, Superunknown, and Rusty Cage.… Read the rest “Chris Cornell (1964-2017)”

“Same Auld Ang Syne” — Dan Fogelberg

It was kind of cool, stumbling across this piece about Same Old Lang Syne. I wonder how many people have stories about how they discovered that particular song?

For me, I found it via an ex, around ‘92. It was winter, and our years-long relationship was almost over; it would have died naturally by the New Year, but as luck would have it, diamond jewelry has a way of dragging things out, and we survived until February.… Read the rest ““Same Auld Ang Syne” — Dan Fogelberg”