Broken Girl Media

A Modest Suggestion

 Y’know, if you really wanted to stick it to someone like Bill Cosby, all you’d need to do is make sure that all news articles and think-pieces about him first refer to him as “Bill Cosby (writer/star of *Leonard Part 6*)”. So if you’re writing about his life, you could introduce the subject with something like “Bill Cosby (writer/star of *Leonard Part 6*) has been accused of sexual assault by over 50 women…”

See, he doesn’t care about the women or the accusations; he long ago rationalized them away. He’s never going to jail, he’s never going to be poor again, and the sand in his life’s hourglass is rapidly trickling down. You can’t hurt him with crimes and misdemeanors.

But if you could ensure that every published mention of him included a reference to his greatest professional failure? *That* would hit him where he lives. For generations to come, the work most associated with him —the one referenced in every internet search result for his name— would be the most worthless and humiliating. Not the Noah and the Ark bit, not “Dad is great, he gave us chocolate cake”, not *Fat Albert*, not *The Cosby Show*… *LP6*, baby.

Plus it’s probably not appropriate to bring up serial rape in every context, but you can freely mock and belittle *Leonard Part 6* in front of the smallest children in the strictest of churches.

Just a thought…