Essays and Bad Ideas

According to Tumblr, it has taken me almost three years to finally hit my 1,000th post to this blog. Which is kind of a milestone, and kind of ridiculous, since I’m not sure a Tumblr blog can truly be said to exist if it generates less than a post a day.

Honestly, I’m amazed anyone still finds my stuff. Amidst the raging torrent of porn and puppies that swamps the average Tumblr dashboard, how on earth do you little weirdos keep track of someone who barely posts? And dear god, when he *does* post, it’s usually just pompous prose poetry about the eternal plight of womankind or some sort of disturbing, oddly-constructed story designed to make your feel dirty for enjoying it… hardly seems worth the effort to keep up.

So I’m forced to conclude you girls either have incredibly refined taste or no common sense whatsoever.

Or both. It’s both, isn’t it?