Stuff I’m Watching

  • Upstart Crow: My new Favorite Thing; thank you, British Television Industry, for giving me this gift. A winking, retro-sitcom reimagining of Shakespeare’s life, it turns Will into a harried-but-dedicated family man with a horrible London-to-Stratford commute, Christopher Marlow into a gregarious, talentless, heterosexual rake who occasionally rips off Will’s work, and Robert Green into a high-born, officious, Elizabethan derivative of Sallieri from Amadeus.
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Chain Link (part 2)

[CONTENT NOTE: I’m thinking this one’s going to three, possibly four parts.]

Another day, another street, another step I didn’t know I’d taken.

Sara was on the phone, and had been for the full ten minutes we’d been walking. She hadn’t bothered to tell me who was calling, but I’d inferred from her half of the conversation that it was her father.… Read the rest “Chain Link (part 2)”

Chain Link (part 1)

[CONTENT NOTE: Consider the source.]

My girlfriend had a plan.

It was the news that did it, that made her snap. She’d always been angry, defensive, and bitter, but never quite passionate. Clearly, she’d been lacking motivation.

“I can’t stand knowing that these scumbags, these men,” she said, the last word spat like venom, “are out there, just walking around, waiting for a chance to attack someone!… Read the rest “Chain Link (part 1)”

I want to hang out with you at 2am, when the endorphins have abandoned you and the money’s been spent. I would consider it a gift to hold your face in my hands and watch the dead thing behind your eyes reassert itself in the moonlight.

My dad left when I was 9 bc snorting coke was more important than his own kid. Now I’m dating a coke addict and I hate myself more and more everyday for it


Not “good, I’m glad your dad was a dick,” nor “good, you’re fucking a drug addict!” I mean “good, you’ve finally reached one of those rare moments in your life when you get to make a meaningful choice.” That hate you’re feeling is there for a reason… it’s asking a question that only you can answer.… Read the rest “My dad left when I was 9 bc snorting coke was more important than his own kid. Now I’m dating a coke addict and I hate myself more and more everyday for it”