Questions and Answers

A lot of blogs that play out this sort of “misogyny/domination of women” fantasy often focus on a perceived biological cause for why girls are inferior (or “broken”). This often manifests in a mistrust or rejection of trans people, e.g. women are naturally inferior and one cannot opt into inferiority. I guess my question is: what are your thoughts on this? Can a trans girl be “broken” if she didn’t have the sort of father-daughter relationship most girls do? Would you “torment” a trans girl?

Hm. It’s strange, but everything about this ask bugs me.

Maybe I’m just being cranky, but your phrasing suggests you’re really unfamiliar with my stuff, and don’t get what I’m doing here. As an egotistical monster who expects you to hang on his every word, that hurts my widdle feewings; as a fair-minded interlocutor, it leaves me feeling like you want more effort from me than you’re willing to give.

For example, in my world, “misogyny” and “domination of women” aren’t interchangeable, nor are “broken” and “inferior”; I’ve been really clear about that last bit, in fact. Similarly, I’ve repeatedly stated that I seen no innate, causative link between “daddy issues” and “brokenness”… people, as it turns out, can be weird for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with being part of a father-daughter dyad. And since I don’t fantasize about women being “naturally inferior”, and actually find the idea kind of silly, I’m at a loss as to why you’d ask for my take at all.

But more importantly, what makes you think I’m in the business of deciding what other people can and cannot be? I’ll start telling strangers how to live their lives once I master my own, thanks. Transchicks get to decide for themselves what they are, just like everyone else.

So, yeah… let’s call this an example of How Not To Ask.

[ADDENDUM: Okay, I’m probably being cranky. I had a shitty week, capped off by having to referee a Full-Family Simultaneous Nervous Breakdown, and I’m kind of touchy about being misrepresented at the moment.]