Questions and Answers

My bf and I were having sex, and we were trying a different position…

…that was a bit too intense for me. I tolerated is for as long as I could but when he got closer he was going faster and it hurt so I told him to stop and he said he was really close so I said our safe word(that we use for kinkier stuff) and he said “just hold on” and finished about 5 seconds after.

The time it took after was small yeah, but I was absolutely devastated that he felt like it was okay to ignore me asking him to stop and telling him a word we agreed means I need it to stop so he could feel good. I asked him after why and he got all defensive and started on about how he was close and it was unfair for me to expect him to stop after we had done that much already.

Idk what the fuck to think here because I’m furious and I told myself I need to wait and calm down before I address anything with him again. I’m not being unreasonable here right? How can I make it clear how even if its only 5 seconds and he’s close that this was absolutely not okay?

  • No, you’re not being unreasonable. You actually seem pretty thoughtful about it.
  • I’m not going to give you the stock “get out now” advice, because you sound like you’ve got your shit together and your head on straight. I suspect that once given outside confirmation that he is, indeed, a narcissistic simple-minded man-child with no respect for you or your agreements, you’ll make whatever choice is right for you.
  • He’s a narcissistic, simple-minded man-child with no respect for you or your agreements.
  • I love this “I was too close” stuff. If you’d sneezed in his face and farted five seconds before orgasm, I suspect he’d have had no trouble coming to an abrupt halt.
  • “Unfair” is even better. It’s not just that he’s helpless… you’re a big meanie for not nurturing his weakness. Mom wouldn’t have asked him to stop!
  • As for making it clear: “Dude, those were my five seconds. Not yours. Not your dick’s. My five motherfucking seconds. What you did was the equivalent of play-fighting with me, waiting until I shouted ‘I give!’, then punching me in the fucking nose and telling me it would have been cruel of me to deny you the satisfaction. It was an assault, you fucking cretin, and if this conversation is the worst that happens to you as a result, you’d better be incredibly goddamned grateful for the education you’re getting.”

Give him hell, kid.