Questions and Answers

Who’s prettier Natalie Portman or Margot Robbie?

Neither is really my type, but I suppose it’s Natalie. I don’t really think of Margot as a beauty… she’s just a photogenic actor.

Now, which one is better? That’s a good question. Natalie’s resume is padded with stuff she did as a kid, when her work was significantly more sophisticated than her peers. As an adult, she’s been far less impressive, with her whole rep resting firmly on 2010’s admittedly fantastic Black Swan. Meanwhile, since 2013, Robbie has cranked out one impressive lead performance —I, Tonya— and a a couple very solid small roles in very good movies… The Wolf of Wall Street and Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood.

I’m tempted to call that a draw. But looking at their more mediocre work opens up the gap between them… Portman’s the least funny thing in Your Highness, and while I have some hope for Thor: Love & Thunder, her limited body of Marvel work has been, well… bad. Meanwhile, as weak as (The) Suicide Squad movies turned out, and despite Birds of Prey being kinda painful to watch, Robbie’s Harley Quinn is above average every time.

Also, Margot’s a big Love Island fan, so I have to like her a little more just for that.