Questions and Answers

My Daddy decided we’re going to have a threesome…

and wants me to find one of my female friends to play. I’m ok with playing if that’s what he decided but not with one of my friends. What do I do?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

“My Daddy” tells me precious little about the nature of your relationship. Is this someone you play slap-n-tickle games with on alternate Saturdays, or someone who makes all the major decisions in your life? Are you a girlfriend with a pacifier, or a piece of property whose purpose is obedience?

And it’s hard to know what he actually means, based on what you’ve described. “We’re going to have a threesome” sounds like a lot of certainty from someone who obviously hasn’t cleared that with any third person, much less the specific group of people he’s targeted. Does he truly expect it to happen, or is he just fucking with your head by making you dizzy and distressed with the threat?

But pending those answers, what do you do? First, ask him if he cares what you’re risking by attempting to bring one of your friends to bed, and if he doesn’t, ask him why not. Second, ask him what his plans are for “after”… how does he intend to deal with the consequences that are likely to ensue? If his responses aren’t thoughtful and extensive, then either his proposal isn’t serious, or he isn’t a serious man.

Which brings us to a question for yourself: are you the kind of girl who’s content to simply be “ok” with someone who isn’t a serious man?