Questions and Answers

I am infatuated with you in the most messed up of ways. It’s quite…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I am infatuated with you in the most messed up of ways. It’s quite conflicting and odd. It’s a little cruel how you do this to girls, and then expect us to just go out into the world. Thank you

  1. “Infatuated”. That’s cute. The lake is deeper here than you believe, my dear, and you’ll soon grow tired of swimming.
  2. I love conflicted girls. It’s hot, watching you reconcile who you really are with who you’ve been taught to be. The fight’s fixed and I’m gonna win, but it still makes for a nice show.
  3. It amuses me when sentences start with something like “It’s a little cruel how you…” and end as bewildered expressions of gratitude. Like you’re not even sure how you got from the first word to the last. Scary isn’t it, the way your mind can slip away from you? It’s almost like it was never really yours to begin with…
  4. I don’t expect you to “just go out into the world.” I expect you to care for everything you have as if it were mine. I expect you to do your best at all times, even if your best is sexually deviant and more than a little dumb. I expect you to think about what I’d want for you, and let that guide your choices. In short, I expect you to go out into the world and make me proud.
  5. Yes, that’s a little cruel. But fuck you, it’s the least I deserve.
  6. You’re welcome, sweetie.