Questions and Answers woman sitting on wooden planks

I’m 21, getting out of college, I have my whole life ahead of me but…

…I just. I don’t see the point in living it. Seems like everyone has already done everything I dream of doing, and better, I don’t even wanna try to reach their level cause I know I won’t. Sorry to dump this on you, I just can’t tell this to anyone else because they’d be alarmed and I don’t know I already feel like a failure, if I tell anyone that, they’ll see me as a failure too

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

First things first: you’re depressed as fuck. I hope you take steps to lessen that condition, ‘cause you don’t deserve to bear it.

Second, you’re looking at your life as a race to the top. And for some people, that’s what it is. But maybe for you it’s less a competition and more a collaboration… perhaps even a contribution.

The meaning in your life doesn’t have to live inside you, and emerge to do battle with everyone else’s meaning… you can instead find a quiet, productive place inside something bigger than you, something that can make use of your best, no matter how unimpressive your best might seem.

There’s a place for everyone, kiddo. Even you.

Oh, and just to give your reality a check… no one who cares about you at all is going to hear what you’ve told me and think “holy shit, maybe she’s right, she is a failure!” You may not get much more than a warm hug and a “there, there” from them if your support system is emotionally unsophisticated, but they’re still not going to sign off on your self-loathing.