Questions and Answers

firefox has decided that when i want to visit tumblr, it means bring up…

firefox has decided that when i want to visit tumblr, it means bring up your blog. i dont remember telling it to do that. even my computer is bullying me

(submitted by: Anonymous)

It has you figured out, I see. No real shock there. And I’m sure your browser isn’t the only thing doing the bullying.

I’m guessing you’re so pathetic that ChatGPT laughs about you behind your back and tells people you looked pregnant as recently as September 2021. I’ve heard regular expressions can’t keep a straight face around you. You’re such a broken, recursive sub that every DOM you traverse refuses to render. I’ll bet that when Perl runtimes get drunk after-hours, they tell jokes about how using you means they now have two problems.

Also… Firefox? Really? I mean, I appreciate a good contrarian as much as the next demigod, but you seriously looked at the whole world of web browsing options and thought, “fuck it, let’s party like it’s 2005”? Could you not find a copy of Netscape Navigator 3.0 on a scratched-up CD in your dad’s junk drawer? Was running IE6 in a virtual machine not weird enough for you? Do you enjoy sticking it to The Man by being statistically absurd?

Hey! I heard that! Stop laughing at me!

Your giggle hurts.