Questions and Answers

Would a Dom want me to sign my legal rights away do you think,…

Would a Dom want me to sign my legal rights away do you think, besides just wanting an extra layer of ownership over me…? My daddy said he wants to own me in everyway possible and wants me to sign for him being my legal guardian in a Guardianship. I love my daddy and I will do whatever he wants me to do, I guess there’s just the fragile girl part of me that is afraid of being abandoned and taken advantage of somehow by this. There’s nothing I want more than to be owned and kept property completely and I didn’t know this was an option until he told me, I think maybe I need a second opinion with how dumb and easily manipulated/gaslit I am, please? 🥺

Okay, so, here’s the thing. I know ya love him, so I want to be measured in what I say. But that’s gonna be tricky, ‘cause, well…

Either your guy is a world-class dumbfuck, or he thinks you are.

Perhaps things are very different elsewhere, but in the US, being named someone’s legal guardian is a huge deal. I’m not even vaguely a lawyer, but from what I’ve seen, putting a non-geriatric adult into guardianship is incredibly difficult. He’d need to go before a judge, and (a) have you declared incompetent, (b) assert that you should be placed in his care, and © fight off any and all legal challenges from your family, who will almost definitely hear about all of this and strongly object.

And that’s the best-case scenario. Be aware that he’s opening you up to the court’s intrusion into your physical and mental healthcare. He’s suggesting that getting his rocks off is worth putting whatever judge is currently seated by the knuckle-dragging dipshits in your county in charge of your future. Seriously, it’s not Daddy’s thumb you’ll be under… it’s The Right Honorable Clueless H. Jerkoff who will determine every aspect of your life once you’re declared incapable of caring for yourself.

Of course, it could be he knows all of this. Could be that he’s aware he’s talking nonsense, and he’s just trying to work you up and fuck with your head. For all I know, he’s just gonna put some goofy, self-penned “contract” in front of you and tell you to sign, something with all the legal weight of a pinky-promise… whoop-de-doo, no big deal. And obviously, if all this amounts to is some gaslighty fun between grown-ups, I hope you both have fun with it.

But if that’s the case, then it feels like he has profoundly miscalculated. Once mindfuckery goes so far that you feel the need to seek out third-party insight, it has evolved into something else. You’re beginning to sniff bullshit in the air, and that’s not gonna go anywhere good for either of you.

Oh, and for the record? It’s not the “fragile girl part” of you that’s raising the alarm. It’s the “common goddamned sense” part. All things considered, ya might wanna try listening to it.