What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship,…

What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship, and what age difference is too much?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I don’t care about the age difference… the culture gap is what matters.

I’ve always said I prefer ‘90s girls because their formative childhood years and my formative adult years directly overlap.… Read the rest “What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship,…”

how do you personally go about establishing a safe word? I’m a sub pretty…

how do you personally go about establishing a safe word? I’m a sub pretty new to kink, and I’ve been sleeping with a more experienced dom for a little while and we don’t have a safe word. At first I didn’t really think about it but now looking back I realize we’ve done plenty of stuff that requires a safe word (cnc, knifeplay, impact play, ect), and now I’m debating whether to establish one now and keep going, or just leave entirely because he never even thought to bring it up either.

Read the rest “how do you personally go about establishing a safe word? I’m a sub pretty…”

hi mr. bedtime. you remind me of my bf. we’ve been together for five…

hi mr. bedtime. you remind me of my bf. we’ve been together for five years now, and i’m still pinching myself over it. i love him i love him i love him.

we don’t have a “dom/sub” relationship, but he completely owns me.

Read the rest “hi mr. bedtime. you remind me of my bf. we’ve been together for five…”

hello um I don’t exactly know who to ask but you seem to be…

hello um I don’t exactly know who to ask but you seem to be into the same things as me and my lover and are very sensible on the topic, so he’s lately been suggesting things that have begun to scare me, I don’t know how to explain to him that it’s too far and I’m worried he might be mad at me, any advice on how to go about this?

Read the rest “hello um I don’t exactly know who to ask but you seem to be…”

How do you deal with girls that want to get thinner fast and have…

How do you deal with girls that want to get thinner fast and have an eating disorder? Do you take in thin girls only?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

“Get thinner fast” is just girlspeak for “I’m going to do that thing now where I torture myself until I undermine myself and then hate myself for both.”… Read the rest “How do you deal with girls that want to get thinner fast and have…”

Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back?

I lost my virginity in a car. Across a bench seat. The interior smelled like her husband’s cigarettes. I didn’t cum. I was late getting back to work. My boss agreed to cover for me if I told her the details; I suspect she fucked her husband extra-hard that night after hearing them.… Read the rest “Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back?”

hi, I think I need your advice. my partner and I have a relationship…

…that has aspects of BDSM. we have agreed around our limits and boundaries and ive never really had any issues. until two days ago when out of no where and with no warning he slapped me across the face and called me a bad girl because I dropped the broccoli he was cooking with dinner.

Read the rest “hi, I think I need your advice. my partner and I have a relationship…”