Maybe this is a joke I’m reading into too much but…….. what are your favorite games on the switch? :) 👉👈

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

focus photo of super mario luigi and yoshi figurines
Photo by Pixabay on

Right now, all we’ve got is Animal Crossing and the Metroid Dread demo. Unless you count the Switch Online emulated games, in which case, hm… Streets of Rage 2, Golden Axe, and Yoshi’s Island.… Read the rest “Maybe this is a joke I’m reading into too much but…….. what are your favorite games on the switch? :) 👉👈”

What do you recommend new doms to research/practice? I’d love to have your input on it.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

If I had a good answer for this, I’d be selling out Holiday Inn conference halls all around the world.

I essentially cheated. When I was young, I found a group of older, ornery, communicatively sophisticated, and stubbornly open-minded perverts, who basically gave me a hard surface against which I could bounce my many, many bad ideas.… Read the rest “What do you recommend new doms to research/practice? I’d love to have your input on it.”

can you knit? is the ocean or space scarier? what’s your favourite type of cake?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

  1. I don’t knit, but I know a little perl. (That’s right, I just combined sewing and programming in one ultra-niche dad-joke. Behold my works, ye mighty, and tremble.)
  2. The emptiness of space is less threatening than the fullness of the ocean, and is easier to light up.
Read the rest “can you knit? is the ocean or space scarier? what’s your favourite type of cake?”

What would you say your style of dominance is?

And what do you do best in terms of being a Dom?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

My style? Jamie Spears, only more affectionate, less abusive, and comfortable with the care and feeding of a golden goose.

So I’m an invasive, aggressive, greedy conservator of your ass and assets… but one you never want to lose.… Read the rest “What would you say your style of dominance is?”

how is it like to be around you in real life? can glimpses of your online persona be found in your everyday life as well?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

  • My online persona long pre-dates Tumblr and is probably older than you are, so it’s pretty much just me at this point. With that said, it’s not exactly like my offline personality… I’m far more polite to strangers than I am to anons, and my online commentary is often missing the grin and/or wink that would normally accompany it.
Read the rest “how is it like to be around you in real life? can glimpses of your online persona be found in your everyday life as well?”

I’ve had long golden hair for four years-it’s a teeny frizzy…

…but it’s past my bellybutton when wet in the shower. I’ve never dyed it either. I like the length it’s at, but could use a change. Any first thoughts?

(submitted by: @annie-jenna)

As someone who doesn’t know you at all, my opinion is uninformed and irrelevant.… Read the rest “I’ve had long golden hair for four years-it’s a teeny frizzy…”