The Real World Homecoming

So MTV has semi-accidentally made Important Television in the 21st century. I did not see that coming.

Just as the original 1992 installment should have been an escapist trifle about cute twentysomethings sharing a New York loft and fighting over who’s not doing dishes, the 2021 show should have been a relatively sedate circle-jerk of fiftysomethings —my generation is looking old as fuck, y’all— congratulating themselves for being pioneers and showing off their various personal achievements. … Read the rest “The Real World Homecoming”

Picked The Wrong Side

Don’t worry, princess… no one will miss you. You’re supposed to be backpacking across Europe before college, right? Only this way, you’re earning me money instead of bleeding me dry!

Oh, stop giving me that look! If you didn’t want to be sold to one of Daddy’s “business partners”, then maybe you shouldn’t have told your mother what Daddy was doing with the au pair in the basement.… Read the rest “Picked The Wrong Side”

Hi, this is the anon from a bit ago who asked how I could help my husband become more comfortable with my degradation kink!

I’m sure it won’t surprise you one bit to hear that you were right, I was the problem. After a mundane “life stuff” argument that got emotions running high, I took the opportunity to lay out just how pathetic and depraved I am.

Read the rest “Hi, this is the anon from a bit ago who asked how I could help my husband become more comfortable with my degradation kink!”

Hi. My Daddy knows that male shouting is very scary & sometimes triggering for me…

…due to my past experiences of shouting leading to a beating. We have had this discussion previously as he has shouted at me twice previously. So last night he shouted at me (for the third time in our 2 year relationship), when I laughingly said no to turning on the lamp.

Read the rest “Hi. My Daddy knows that male shouting is very scary & sometimes triggering for me…”

The New Mutants


So, wait… that is the Marvel movie that Fox re-shot and buried for a year? Say what now?

The New Mutants is far from great; the casting is flawed in places, they tried to stir a couple incongruous romances into the mix, two-fifths of the cast are superheroically superfluous, and it’s probably impossible to really know what’s happening if you’re not watching it with a moldering old man who bought the first 75 issues of the comic off a spinner rack in the ‘80s.… Read the rest “The New Mutants”

This was my first camera, part of Kodak’s ill-fated attempt to clone Polaroid’s self-developing film. They were sued for a fortune and lost… ended up having to send everyone rebates when they took the cameras off the market.

The funny thing was how lame the competition really was.… Read the rest “”